Friday, July 15, 2011

Dollar Store Purchases

Now, I don't admit this to people I know, but since this is my blog, I'm going to be truthful! Yes, I have bought makeup products at the Dollar Tree, and yes I use them. And I also highly recommend them for people who aren't even on budgets or are slim for cash.
Finds at the Dollar Tree
-Revlon Single Eyeshadows
I found these in the beauty aisle, and knew that they were a steal! I bought one in a light shade of pink a few months ago and have used it for a highlight, in the corners of my eyes, a quick eyeshadow, and a highlight. These single eyeshadows are also sold at regular beauty stores, such as Ulta, but for $5! While they are high quality and pigmented, I would suggest buying them at the Dollar Tree instead of beauty stores.
-Sally Hansen "Teeth Whitening" Lipgloss
Now, this lipgloss doesn't actually whiten your teeth, but it comes in very pretty colors! This product promises to make your teeth appear whiter; however, I haven't really noticed that. Probably why they are in the dollar store! I don't believe this product is sold anymore, but Sally Hansen may have some other products sold at the Dollar Store. Buying a lipgloss that normally goes for $8 is such a bargain!
-Makeup Remover
Fortanately, I am a college student that has a Dollar Tree within walking distance. One week I was strapped for cash and without any makeup remover cloths. So, I decided to purchase Dollar Tree makeup remover cloths. The only time I would ever recommend buying these is when you literally have three dollars and it is an emergency. If you have money and need makeup remover, I suggest buying brands such as Neautrogena or Garnier Fructis. Nevertheless, the Dollar Tree makeup remover did the job and got most of my makeup off.

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