1. Would you rather loose all your lip gloss or eye shadows?
Lip gloss
2. Would you rather have to use lip stick as eye liner or use eyeliner as lipstick?
Lipstick as eyeliner!
3. Could you live with out your foundation or your nailpolish?
Tricky... I'd have to go with foundation!
4. Would you rather trade lives with a makeup artist or a stylist?
5. Would you rather spend $300 on makeup or a pair of boots?
I have enough boots now... so I'll go with makeup!
6. Would you rather shave half your head or live with out makeup?
Ugh... this is hard! Hair does grow back.... so I guess I'd shave it!
8. Would you rather have to give up your shoe collection or makeup?
No shoes?? No thank you! I would miss my make-up though!
9. Would you rather wear your summer clothes in winter or your winter clothes in the summer?
That would be pretty ridiculous! I guess I would do summer in the winter.
10. Would you rather have smelly lip gloss or smelly foundation?
Smelly lipgloss probably wouldn't last as long, so I'll go with that one!
11. If you were stranded on an Island for 2 weeks what 3 cosmetic items would you take and what 3 clothing items would you take ?
Cosmetic: shampoo, soap, tinted mouisterizer with SPF
Clothing: tank top, Nike shorts, underwear!
12.Would you rather share your foundation brush with out washing it or share your mascara.
Share mascara
13, Would you rather live with out your underwear or bra?
Gross! I guess underwear?
14. Would rather get married with out your wedding dress or with out guest.
Without guests
15. Would you rather go to a Chanel fashion show or a Vera Wang fashion show?
Hmm.... I'd love to go to either but I'll go with Chanel!
bonus- Would you rather get dressed in the dark or put your makeup on in the dark?
Dressed in the dark
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